Prepare For Eternity


I seek you neath the half moon
My spirit fades without your gentle feeling
Eternity in afterlife will judge our purpose
The sun will rise and I will leave
My love for you neath the half moon.

Looking up to the morning blue

Your presence is gone

Thankful for the sacred gift of life

My purpose becomes clear

Now I can seek out my life and truth

Without the illusion of your love

Inner creation is mine to command

The future beckons me to become.

Stephen Rowlands 11/01/20

Stop The World

Stop the world my beloved has died

I want the world to take time to mourn

Abandoned in this moment

As the new day marches on in time

I stand here in solitary sorrow

Physical death is final and unforgiving

I will never see you again in this life

Stop the world give me time

My beloved’s presence is no more

Just memories of once was

To keep my beloved alive in heart and mind

I wish to tell you of my beloved

The blessing he was to me and family

Stop the world and listen

My beloved has died

Stephen Rowlands 22/12/19




Love Is Deeper Now

My  journey of life has taken me down the roads, of solitude, loneliness, failure, anger, pain, love, service and triumph, the pathway of change brought me to you love is deeper now.

Your love brings a peace to my soul, that my mind cannot invent, my heart reaches out for your love seeking unity with your soul, love is deeper now.

The light of your love creates a rainbow, through the rain encouraging me to be the best I can be, love is deeper now. 

My love for you ascends to the stars above, every day I give thanks for you,   love is deeper now.

The gift of your love gives me balance between earth and sky, I will never be alone, love is deeper now.

We choose to walk together in heart and mind on this journey of life, love is deeper now.

Today we  blend our hearts together within the sanctuary of marriage,  loves lessons learned  love is deeper now.

(C) Stephen Rowlands 07/09/19

Small Steps All Roads Lead To Somewhere

Christmas is a time when memories of Christmas past, come to the forefront of the mind, Christmas 2010 was to be a Christmas Day of great change for me, although I felt it was my worst time, it was actually the best time of my life, although  my life was in tatters, hopes and dreams crushed I felt so abandoned, as if washed up on a sea shore my ship of life wrecked, cast out and alone a mere image of what I once was, I have written much of this time, but as I was looking through my facebook memories, my status for 27/12/10 was “A new journey begins letting go of the past, and embracing a new life”.

All roads lead to somewhere in this life, dependant on the pathway we choose to walk, I have realised that spirit can see the bigger picture of our lives, especially when our faces are in the dirt, and we feel broken and lost, it is most important to be true to ourselves, have faith in ourselves as the true path we wish to walk, will open up to us, the last 8 years have been a amazing time of development, to become we must first grow, I grew by unloading all my mental and emotional crap, becoming at peace with myself yes loving myself, walking a spiritual pathway as a healer and medium, all the progress I have made in life, has taken 8 years we live in a instant world, but inner development to effect progession in our outer world takes time, small steps are required to be taken, by those who seek to develop and progress, be prepared for a journey of soul searching and realisation, a journey of healing and enlightenment, not instant gratification and results, feeling very pleased with myself in 2016, my head and heart were in the best place they had been in years, but I had a question that needed to be answered, would I ever find a lady to truly love, to spend the rest of my days with, I did wonder if I was meant to walk my life pathway alone, but decided to try one last time.

I joined Match.Com yes a dating site you may scoff, but the ladies were not exactly kicking my front door down to date me, I had been on the dating site for almost a year, and was about to delete my account, most of the ladies I spoke to had more baggage than Heathrow, wanted someone a lot wealthier than myself, or turned there nose up at me because of my spiritualism, I was also losing weight due to my diet, and posting images of my slimmer self to the dating site, interest did pick up a bit, but as I said the interest was from all the wrong ladies, one night in June 17 I decided to end my time with Match.Com, when I logged in I noticed I had a wink from a lady, the lady was in fact my Veronica after a couple of weeks texting and chatting, we agreed to meet 13/07/17, I am very empathic and I immediately sensed from Veronica, the warmth and beauty of her heart, this is the girl I am looking for I thought, we clicked and started dating each other, although I lived in Slough and she in Winchester, the distance did not matter, as I know now we were truly falling in love, and we would take it in turns to visit each other when we were not working.


My Veronica August 2017

But living apart and distance did eventually become a problem, as it was becoming harder and harder to leave each other, when our visits came to an end, we had talked of moving in together, I used to say to Veronica it is a nice thought, but it is very scary in practice, and I did not want another life disaster on my hands, if it all went wrong, also giving up my flat in Slough would be a real wrench for me, as I loved my flat it was a lifeboat for me, to heal and rebuild my life, but  as our feelings for each other grew. and absence from each other got harder and harder, we finally decided to make a home together, after a lot of talk about whom was moving in with who, myself and Veronica decided that I would move to Hampshire with her, I spoke to my mother and got her blessing, my mother said to me “it would be good for me to get out of the rat race, and into the country” on 08/06/18 I moved to Winchester to live with Veronica, now looking back today 01/01/19, it is the best move I ever made, a real leap of faith but I have landed safely on my feet, myself and Veronica plan to marry in September 19, since moving to Winchester we also use our home as a spiritual centre, I have named Spirit Divine for healing, readings, workshops, and demonstrations of trance, also I am serving new churches, some that I used to serve back in the day, I feel so very blessed today and so glad I took the small steps, inwardly and outwardly to where I am today, although we cannot always see the bigger picture, small steps towards our goals are the answer enjoy the journey, 2018 was a master year, to take charge and put in place everything we want in life, and I feel I have mostly achieved that, and I am very happy to share this with you all. 




Thank You For Reading

Stephen Rowlands 01/01/19










Weary of the wheel of material life, expending energy draining going nowhere fast in rotation, tired and forlorn must power the greed engine, sitting with my wine asking the question why am I programmed to work this wheel, is it the knowledge of age that speaks, or my creaking body, that will not allow me to do what I once did, I am weary of the systemic ideal, that wants me in my place, I have worked my whole life, feeding energy to the greed engine, the life love and laughter, I have missed whilst working this dam wheel, is the tax that I have paid, for a comfortable life.

When I am exhausted and can no longer feed the greed engine, I will be discarded and replaced, worn out for what purpose I ask, the best years passed by,  hindsight is a beautiful future lived in the past, a day dream that I can no longer regret, I should have stepped off the wheel, when my dreams could have been loved and lived, weary of futile work serving the corperate machine, that nourishes the few but wastes the many. I have had too many years of doing big favours, for the businesses I have served, I have  gained nothing from doing favours, I have lost time to live breathe and love, you call again asking for a big favour,  this time I cannot oblige, because time is limited for me and priceless, I will waste no more of my precious time, making you rich and me weary.